Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Performance and Scalability --- Quick Sizer tool

SAP Initial hardware sizing

Quick Sizer is a Web-based tool designed to make the sizing of SAP Business Suite easier and faster. It has been developed by SAP in close cooperation with all platform partners and is free of cost.

With Quick Sizer you can translate business requirements into technical requirements. Simply fill in the online questionnaire, an up-to-date survey that is based on business-oriented figures. The results you obtain can help you select an economically balanced system that matches your company's business goals. This is especially useful for initial budget planning.

Quick Sizer calculates CPU, disk, memory and I/O resource categories based on throughput numbers, and the number of users working with the different SAP solutions in a hardware and database independent format.

Sizing is an iterative process that continuously brings together customers, hardware vendors and SAP, so that, for example, direct links to SAP's hardware vendors facilitate the tendering procedure

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