Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oracle Database Installation and Configuration for SAP

Oracle Database Installation and Configuration for SAP

As we know several relational database management systems are fully supported by SAP applications

In this post we will use Oracle Database as an example to cover the database management concepts and tools provided by SAP to support the application install and maintenance

Oracle Database is the first database designed for enterprise grid computing, the most flexible and cost effective way to manage information and applications.

The database has logical structures and physical structures. Because the physical and logical structures are separate, the physical storage of data can be managed without affecting the access to logical storage structures.

Overview of Physical Database Structures
The following s explains the physical database structures of an Oracle database, including datafiles, redo log files, and control files.

Overview of Logical Database Structures
The logical storage structures, including data blocks, extents, and segments, enable Oracle to have fine-grained control of disk space use.

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