Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oracle Database Internal Architecture

Oracle Database Internal Architecture

Oracle Database internals consist of two main components: the database and the Oracle instance. The database is the static part of the Oracle system, and the Oracle instance is the memory structures and the Oracle background processes that are started when the database is started. The Oracle Database internal architecture is shown in below figure


The Oracle Database includes all the files that constitute the dataset. This includes the datafiles, control files, online redo log files, and offline archive log files. When an Oracle system is started, the database files are associated with the Oracle instance, and any operations the user performs are recorded in the appropriate files at the operating system level. The following definitions will clarify the different files that constitute the Oracle Database.


Oracle manages data in logical units referred to as tablespaces. A logical tablespace consists of one or several physical files referred to as datafiles. When a new database object, such as a table or an index, is created this occurs in an assigned tablespace. When the tablespace is running out of space, it can be extended by adding datafiles. SAP follows specific naming conventions for the tablespaces.


Datafiles are actual physical files at the operating system level with set naming conventions to which the data is saved by database operations. Datafiles can be added to the tablespace as long as the mount point has space allocated and is available for such growth. In real-life production SAP systems, there will be tens and hundreds of datafiles depending upon the database growth of a given business operation.

Control Files

A control file has the list of physical datafiles and the paths where such files are located. When an Oracle instance is started, the system reads the control file to open the datafiles and redo log files and make it available for general database operations. Since the control file is such an important file, usually more than one copy exists at different locations at the operating system level.

Redo Log Files

When data is changed in the Oracle system, it is not permanently written to the datafiles right away. The data changes are written to the redo log files. In case there is a power failure, for example, data is applied back from the redo logs at instance start. In this way any data loss is prevented. Modified data is not written on a synchronous manner permanently to the datafiles immediately because of performance reasons. Instead, the data is written to the datafiles from time to time.

Offline Archive Log Files

The online redo log files are automatically moved to an offline device when the Oracle database is configured to turn on the archive log mode. When needed, offline archive log files can be used to perform a database point-in-time recovery.


When an Oracle Database is started it will start the background processes and open the memory structures configured for the database, and this is referred to as an Oracle instance. The Oracle instance is associated with the physical static database files to manage the database operations.

Memory Structures

Memory structures such as the system global area (SGA) are opened at the Oracle instance start and are based on the configuration parameter information.

System Global Area

The system global area is a shared memory region allocated to an Oracle instance based on the configuration parameters.
The SGA has two primary subareas: the database buffer cache and the redo log buffer. The Oracle SQL command “show sga” displays the current configuration of the SGA in the Oracle Database. This information can be obtained by using the following commands after you log in to the system at the operating system level as ora<sid> user:

moiz_cmd> sqlplus '/as sysdba'

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 21 00:54:33 2010
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area 7962544640 bytes
Fixed Size 2094544 bytes
Variable Size 3707767344 bytes
Database Buffers 4238002688 bytes
Redo Buffers 14680064 bytes


Database Buffer Cache

The database buffer cache is a set of database buffers that keep the modified and unmodified blocks of data in the memory area to facilitate faster access to it.

Redo Log Buffer

The redo log buffer keeps a log of changes to the data in the memory area. The size of the redo log is static.

Background Processes

When an Oracle instance is started a set of Oracle processes are started in memory and run in the background.

Background processes are like jobs that perform common tasks to manage the proper functioning of the Oracle instance.

Several kinds of background jobs are started at the instance start and perform a specific job function. Some of the examples of background processes are process monitor, system monitor, and lock process.

Process Monitor (PMON)

For every end-user process there is a 1:1 Oracle shadow process. PMON monitors the Oracle shadow process. If a user process crashes, PMON cleans up the orphaned Oracle shadow process and makes sure the data consistency is maintained.

System Monitor (SMON)

SMON performs recovery functions at instance start, writing an alert log when an instance process fails and conducting cleanup of temporary segments when not required.

Lock Process

This background process works as a lock manager monitor.

Recoverer (RECO)

Recoverer manages the in-doubt distributed transactions in distributed databases.

Other Processes

There are other critical background processes that operate in an Oracle database. The most important of these are covered in the following sections.

Database Writer (DBWR)

The DBWR writes the data from the database buffer cache to the data files.

Log Writer (LGWR)

The LGWR writes the redo log buffer to redo log files on the disk.

Archiver (ARC0)

The archiver process will automatically write the online redo logs to archive log files at an offline storage location (initially, this is the local disk). This process does this when the Oracle Database is configured to run with archive mode on.

Checkpoint (CKPT)
The CKPT process writes all modified database cache buffers in SGA to the datafiles.
The following command at the operating system level shows the Oracle background processes:

moiz> ps -ef | grep ora_

moiz 1527 1 0 Aug30 00:00:26 ora_pmon_DX1
moiz 1533 1 0 Aug30 00:08:20 ora_dbw0_DX1
moiz 1535 1 0 Aug30 00:10:27 ora_lgwr_DX1
moiz 1537 1 0 Aug30 00:02:50 ora_ckpt_DX1
moiz 1539 1 0 Aug30 00:04:57 ora_smon_DX1
moiz 1541 1 0 Aug30 00:00:00 ora_reco_DX1
moiz 1594 1 0 Aug30 00:02:47 ora_arc0_DX1


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