Tuesday, January 14, 2014

SAP License Installation

SAP License Installation

SAP license can be installed using the SLICENSE transaction. Once it has been installed, the license key is activated immediately

This is the initial screen of the SLICENSE transaction. Make sure that you have received the license key, installation number, hardware key and expiration date from SAP. All the prerequisites can be requested from SAP Service Marketplace.
1. Run transaction code SLICENSE. Go to Install box and a pop up will appear.
2. Upload the license (in text file).

3. Check the status. Go to System -> Status.

SAP GUI Installation on a Workstation from an Installation Server

SAP GUI Installation on a Workstation from an Installation Server

The installation process from an installation server is flexible, easy, and customizable. It makes maintenance easier in any phase of the distribution process, for example, when applying patches.

When installing SAP front end components with server-based workstation installation:

The following options are available:

● Without user interaction (unattended)
● With user interaction (attended), where the user has the following options:
○ Select from installation packages that the administrator has configured
○ Select from a complete list of SAP front end components available on the installation server

The following table describes the return codes for NwSapSetup.exe

Return Codes Description
0 Process ended without detected errors
3 Another instance of SAPSetup is running
4 LSH failed
16 SAPSetup started on WTS without administrator privileges
26 WTS is not in install mode
27 An error occurred in COM
48 General error
67 Installation canceled by user
68 Invalid patch
69 Installation engine registration failed
70 Invalid XML files
129 Reboot is recommended
130 Reboot was forced
144 Error report created
145 Error report created and reboot recommended
146 Error report created and reboot forced

SAP GUI Packaging and Installation

SAP GUI Packaging and Installation

package and distribute SAP front end components on Windows using SAP Netweaver SAPSetup (NW SAPSetup) - SAP Installation Server Administration Tool

SAP’s Front-End Software Deployment Tool – Netweaver SAPSetup not only allows direct installations from distribution media, but also an Installation Server based deployment mechanism that helps distribute SAP Front-End Software to workstations over a network and also using Microsoft SCCM  to deploy the large number of users. 

Performance and Scalability --- Quick Sizer tool

SAP Initial hardware sizing

Quick Sizer is a Web-based tool designed to make the sizing of SAP Business Suite easier and faster. It has been developed by SAP in close cooperation with all platform partners and is free of cost.

With Quick Sizer you can translate business requirements into technical requirements. Simply fill in the online questionnaire, an up-to-date survey that is based on business-oriented figures. The results you obtain can help you select an economically balanced system that matches your company's business goals. This is especially useful for initial budget planning.

Quick Sizer calculates CPU, disk, memory and I/O resource categories based on throughput numbers, and the number of users working with the different SAP solutions in a hardware and database independent format.

Sizing is an iterative process that continuously brings together customers, hardware vendors and SAP, so that, for example, direct links to SAP's hardware vendors facilitate the tendering procedure

SAP Basis Daily Tasks

 SAP Basis Daily Tasks

These administrative tasks are usually performed by the SAP system administrator

  • SAP System R/3 System Status Check:
Logon Test
The availability of the SAP system is a pre-requisite for using the SAP system. If  you to establish connection to the SAP system the system must be up and running.
  • Backup Management:
It is recommended that backup of the SAP system daily. Success or failure of the backup run has to be monitored daily. Ensure that backups are done properly so that you can recover the system state when it’s required. When a backup run fails, you should immediately resolve the problem and possibly perform an “emergency” backup.
  • Application Servers Status Check:
Application servers used for load balancing, hence, the need for their availability. The application server represents the runtime environment the SAP system. Use transaction SM51 to display the status of the instances of your SAP system.
  • Work processes Status Check:
Work processes are essential for the effective functioning of the SAP system. It is important to ensure that all configured work processes possess their correct status at any point in time. The SAP administrator should be able to know when to add or redistribute work process based on usage analysis.
  • Failed Updates Monitoring:
Failed updates are transaction that is not committed in the database. As administrator you needs to critical review such updates. Examine the reason and reprocess the failed update if required.
  • System Log Review:
The SAP system has its own system log. The system log contains error, warning and problem messages. The application server records events and problems in the system log and has a log that contains the messages output.
  • Jobs Monitoring:
In order to optimize resources and increase performance of SAP systems, some operations are performed at the background, defined or standard jobs. Background job as it were, is supposed to perform assigned task. Review the status of jobs for failure or success.

SAP Web Dispatcher

SAP Web Dispatcher

The SAP Web Dispatcher acts as a Single Point Of Access to the SAP System for users acessing the system via Browser (IE, FF). Therefore, it is located between the Internet / Intranet and the SAP System. The Web Dispachter acts as a load balancer and can redirect, reject or accept connections. When it accepts a connection, it balances the load to ensure an even distribution across the servers.

The SAP Web Dispatcher(SAP WD)  is only useful in web-enabled scenarios. This is, when the SAP systems are accessed over HTTP(S). In a normal R/3 / ECC scenario the users will access the systems over the SAPGui and won't utilize the Web Dispatcher. The SAP WD can be used in ABAP/Java systems and in pure Java systems, as well as in pure ABAP systems. The usage is recommended when you use an SAP system with several SAP Web Application Servers for Web applications. The Web Dispatcher is associated with one Application Server (AS). This has to be the AS where the Message Server (MS) is running. One Web Dispatcher can only be associated with one AS.

The SAP WD acts as an Single Point Of Access (SPOA) and therefore, also as a Single Point Of Failure (SPOF). You can leverage the SPOA functionality to simplify your landscape

SAP Dual Stack

SAP system that contains installations of both Application Server ABAP and Application Server Java is called as dual stack